Saturday, July 19, 2014

Eagles and Whales and Moose... Oh, My!

Wow! Pretty much a perfect day for another visit to Gros Morne National Park and the visit did not disappoint. As a matter of fact, this day was definitely "not a bad bit nice"!

First stop today was the Arches Provincial Park where we enjoyed a picnic lunch and the scenery

Next stop provided this vantage point for a familiar view in Gros Morne. Apparently getting the up close view seen in Newfoundland Tourism ads, involves an hour long boat ride and eight hours of hiking.
I suspect whoever produced the spectacular views in the commercial used a helicopter.

Apparently I screwed up in this shot by not having my sunglasses on ala the Blues Brothers.

We stopped at an elevated viewing location for some photos of Bonne Bay when this young fella was spotted. 

He was only about 25 yards away from us and put on quite a show for 4 or 5 minutes. I've never heard 40 people so quiet for so long, except for the camera clicks that might have rivalled the paparazzi on royalty.
We'd seen another one earlier in the day, but unfortunately it was laying at the side of the road beside a car with a smashed wind shield and crumpled roof. The good news there was the driver was standing roadside talking to an RCMP officer.  

While leaving the quay for our cruise of Bonne Bay, the jelly fish put on a colourful display

You have to look carefully toward the centre of this shot (or maybe enlarge it) to see what we were told was likely a Minke whale. He came up for air several times but didn't show a lot of himself or stay up very long.

Another youngster. An immature Bald Eagle. 

The view from Bonne Bay to Gros Morne mountain.

Tonights dinner was lobster. Our tour director begins his "how to eat lobster for dummies" demonstration. 

A beautiful ending to a beautiful day.

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