Friday, July 18, 2014

Why Did They Come?

Back across iceberg alley today to head up Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula following the Viking Trail and ultimately to St. Anthony, at the northern tip of the island. The weather was much more cooperative today. Saw Orcas while crossing but was unable to get a shot of them.

View back to the Blanc Sablon shore line while leaving the ferry terminal.

Although sunny, it was a little chilly on the deck

We've seen a few of these rusting ship hulls around, both in and out of the water

We visit L'Anse Aux Meadows and the only known Viking settlement in North America.
This map depicts how they arrived from Norway after stops in Iceland and Greenland

A view to the replica Viking settlement set up by Parks Canada. What isn't too clear to me is why they chose to travel here and spend what is thought to be about ten years before leaving this relatively inhospitable land.
It's thought that lumber was what the Vikings were after which was in short supply in Iceland and Greenland.

These slightly raised berms mark the areas where archaeologists discovered the Viking artifacts.

A cozy fire and characters in period costumes add to the visitor experience. 

We head to the village of Goose Cove then follow a walking trail to Pumley Cove to follow up on a tip from locals. 

The tip doesn't disappoint and we come upon a great view of nearby icebergs. You have to look closely at this shot to see the berg framed between us. It was actually much larger and closer than it appears in this shot.

A better shot of the berg and another in the background.
We were all trying to name the face that appeared as if chiseled in the ice.
Virtually all of our tour group commented on the beauty of this cove and village.
This seemed to depict what Newfoundland is truly all about.

What a gorgeous spot. Probably my favourite so far.

Apparently we are visiting the arches tomorrow, followed by a scenic cruise and whale watching in Bonne Bay. Final destination tomorrow evening is Rocky Harbour for a lobster dinner.

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